jemdoc – modelines

jemdoc includes a mechanism for specifying options inside a source file. It is called a modeline, after the same concept in vim. To use a modeline, start your jemdoc source file (on the first line) with the exact string # jemdoc:. Follow this string with one or more modeline options, separated with commas (and any amount of white space).

Multiple modelines can be included if they are all at the beginning of the file, and start with the same string. The modeline can be omitted altogether.

Modeline options


    Place a menu at the left of the page.

  • nodefaultcss
    Clear the list of CSS stylesheets included by the page.

  • addcss{CSSSHEET}
    Explicitly include an additional custom CSS stylesheet.

  • addjs{scriptname}
    Explicitly include the javascript file scriptname.js.

  • fwtitle
    Makes the page title full width so the menu and the body lie underneath the title.

  • title{NEW TITLE}
    Manually sets the titlebar text to NEW TITLE.


  • analytics{ANALYTICS KEY}
    Adds Google Analytics support. The key is typically in the form UA-0000000-0. Sign up for Google Analytics here.


  • notime
    Withhold the time from the ‘Page generated’ footer.

  • nodate
    Withhold the date and the time from the ‘Page generated’ footer.

  • showsource
    Include a link, in the footer, to the jemdoc source.

  • nofooter
    Withhold the footer altogether (overrides the above options).


  • noeqs
    Disable LaTeX equation support.

  • eqsize{SIZE}
    Adjust the size of the equations (default 130).

  • eqdir{EQDIR}
    Adjust the equation directory (default eqs).

  • noeqcache
    Disable equation caching.

  • addpackage{LATEXPACKAGENAME}
    Includes support for LATEXPACKAGENAME when compiling the equations.


This page
# jemdoc: menu{MENU}{modelines.html}, showsource
Use a different stylesheet altogether
# jemdoc: nodefaultcss, addcss{custom.css}
Combine various options
# jemdoc: nodefaultcss, addcss{custom.css}{another.css}
# jemdoc: showsource, addcss{yetanother.css}